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Savings Plans

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Save for Whatever Your Future Holds

Saving money is a skill that serves you well throughout your life. At State Bank of Herscher, we make it easy for you to start saving toward your goals, whether it’s a new car, a dream vacation, or simply for a rainy day.

You can also use our Monthly Savings Calculator to determine how much you need to save each month to hit your goal.

Progress Savings

Jump start your savings with our traditional savings account! 

  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited on the last day of each calendar quarter*
  • Monthly minimum balance fee of $5.00 if the daily balance falls below $100 any given day 
  • Minimum deposit of $100 required to open. 
  • Custodial accounts available fee free for minors.

Come see us in Herscher or Limestone today to open your savings account! 

Already a customer?  Call ahead, we can get your paperwork started.

*Closing the account before interest is credited forfeits the interest accrued. Interest rate is subject to change at bank's discretion.


Monthly Savings Calculator

Have a particular savings goal in mind? Use this calculator to see how much you need to save each month to reach your goal.

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